Recycling is not working……Refuse..Reduce..Reuse..

Recycling is not working……Refuse..Reduce..Reuse..

Did you know that nappies take up to 500 years to break down
Buy less, choose well, and make it last
— vivienne Westwood


Our journey with Zero Waste Shopping and Living started like many others. You think you know what is happening with your waste and your recycling…but many of us don’t. We also think we know what is in the products we are using…

Did you know that just in the Uk alone last year we brought 8 Billion bottles of water…

Over the last ten years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last century.

Did you know that Baby Wipes consist mainly of Plastic

The UK uses an astonishing 11 billion wet wipes each year, which are causing environmental chaos to our waterways.

These facts and so many more have inspired us to open Our Planet Zero Waste. We are a mobile zero waste shop, based in Hamworthy, Dorset. Our aim is to bring our mobile shop to as many people as we can to enable more people to shop the Zero Waste way.

We will not be stocking any products that are wrapped in single use plastic packaging, we encourage you to bring any containers you have so that you can fill them to your requirements and pay for just what you need.

Our planet zero waste hopes that we can help you start or continue your journey of a no single use plastic planet.
